Winter Wonderbliss, the playlist

Winter Wonderbliss, the playlist

It’s a cold, crisp winter night, after a long 27 Rosiers workday, and these four coworkers need a little holiday spirit. Kevin loves everything timeless and refined – with a modern twist. Stephanie’s a rock chick with a soft spot for crooners. Together, they lay the foundations for a winter holiday playlist that will lighten up both their worlds. It’s sweet, so sweet, but it needs a little… je ne sais quoi. So Leo, social-media wonder and queer pop diva in his own right, sprinkles in a few tracks of his choosing. To tie it all together, standing tall in her creepers, creative copywriter Mary adds a dose of untamed alternative and punk sunshine to the mix.  

It’s up to you, now… Match the song with its curator, listen in the order we chose or shuffle all you want: this is our first 27-song mixed-tape of sorts, made for you, with love and an urge to groove our way into 2020.